Well, I did it! I wrote every day from early October to New Year's Day 2010. Now I will write for fun when I feel like it and see where that gets me. Cheers to all my small-blessing-appreciating friends!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Used-Book Stores

Would you rather walk into a big-chain bookstore or a used-book store? No contest for me - the used-book stores have character, and who knows what treasures are to be found inside? They encourage you to linger and explore. The proprietors are usually knowledgeable enthusiasts who will order a book for you if they don't have it.  I enjoy hanging out in a dim corner trolling through boxes of old westerns (yes, I am currently on a fad of reading westerns!) The old recipe books are fascinating and frequently funny - I picked one up today and opened to a recipe titled "Begin four days ahead" calling for a beef muzzle and saltpetre. I put it down quickly when I reached that part.

The only drawback of the these stores is that sometime the books are moldy. That gives me problems, alas, but most book stores are ruthless about discarding musty books.

How about a drizzly day in a small town at the beach, wandering through antique and odd used-book stores?  Sounds good to me!

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